# SAPUI5 - The Front-End technology for SAP Fiori
Schulungs-ID: msg2022140008EN
# Ziele / Nutzen
- Bring your SAP development skills on a new level and break away from the classic ABAP (Back-End) developer
- Learn the concepts of modern Front-End development within the context of SAPUI5 and JavaScript
- Get indispensable for SAP Fiori development and extension projects
# Agenda / Inhalte
- SAP Fiori Overview, floorplans and methodology
- OData
- UI5
- Development Tools
- Specifics for development on BTP (optional)
- Get an overview about the possibilities of the new SAP Fiori UX strategy
- Get used to the most relevant floorplans
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of development with SAP Fiori Elements compared to a plain SAPUI5 free-style implementation
- Dive into the depth of Front-End development and get used to modern web technologies
- Learn JavaScript and the specifics of SAPUI5 in interaction with XML, HTML, CSS, ...
- Understand the interaction between Front-End and Back-End via OData
- Gather first experience with the development tools, like the Business Application Studio
# Details
- Voraussetzungen: * Based on the concrete knowledge of the participants, the content of the training can be set up in a modular way.
- The knowledge in JavaScript has a lot of impact on the training time to be scheduled.
- Generally, the course can be either hold for a fresh group without basic knowledge and also as a deep dive session for participants with high background knowledge.
- In either case, some reconcilation before training start has to be done.
- Zielgruppe: Developer, Entwickler:in, Anwendungsentwickler:in, SAP-Interessierte, Softwareentwickler:in
- Branche: Branchenübergreifend
- Durchführungsform: Coaching, Online, Präsenz
- Methodik: Einzelübungen, Gruppenübungen, Vortrag, Input durch Trainer/in über Folien und an der Anwendung Fragen und Antworten im Austausch
- Dauer: Tage: 2,0-5,0
- Sprache: Englisch